Mott Corporation Volunteers and Wheeler Employees Create 200 “Sweet Cases” for Youth in Foster Care and Children in Need

Nearly 20 volunteers from Farmington-based Mott Corporation and members of Wheeler’s Foster Care team gathered on October 9 to decorate and fill hundreds of “Sweet Cases,” sturdy duffel bags that included donated plush fleece blankets, travel-size personal items, activity books, stuffed animals and more for children and youth in foster care and other settings. Very often, these youth move from home to home or placement to placement with whatever belongings they have in plastic or paper bags. These “Sweet Cases” offer a caring alternative.
View the NBC story here.
The Herald Press story is here.
Mott Corporation mobilized a donation of many of the duffel bag items as part of an ongoing, innovative health partnership with Wheeler, and Project Linus - Hartford County CT Chapter, donated 200 soft fleece blankets. The event, held at Wheeler’s 91 Northwest Drive location, was inspired by Together We Rise, a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the way youth navigate through the foster care system in America. Currently, there are more than 4,000 children and youth in foster care on any given day in Connecticut, and the need for foster parents and families continues to grow.