Wheeler's Heather Clinger Presents at AAS Annual Conference

UPDATED June 8, 2017 - Wheeler’s Heather L. Clinger, MPH, program manager, Connecticut Center for Prevention, Wellness and Recovery (CCPWR), was a co-presenter at the American Association of Suicidology’s 50th annual conference on April 26-29, 2017, in Phoenix, Arizona. Heather represented the CCPWC’s Connecticut Healthy Campus Initiative and three statewide collaborative collegiate efforts that address suicide prevention and related issues.
Heather and her colleagues co-presented a pre-conference workshop entitled, “Using Statewide Suicide Prevention Coalitions to Prevent Suicide” and a conference workshop, “Developing Statewide College Suicide Prevention Partnerships.”
Conference co-presenters included Wheeler's Heather Clinger (center, back); Matthew Wintersteen, Ph.D., and Rose Milani from the Pennsylvania Higher Education Suicide Prevention Coalition; Amy Lukes, MSSA, LISW-S, from the Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health; Jacqueline Awe from the Georgia College and University Suicide Prevention Coalition; and Jane Wiggins, Ph.D., from The Campus Suicide Prevention Center of Virginia.
Details about the conference are here.