Trustee Dennis Williams: Inspired to Lead, Connect

Dennis Williams, MBA, was not familiar with Wheeler when he was approached to join the Board of Trustees but has become a staunch advocate of expanding our reach, our impact, and our brand.
“When I learned what Wheeler does—providing access to care, improving lives, improving health outcomes—I was inspired. Inspired by the impact you are making and will continue to make in the Greater Hartford area. I felt, ‘this is an organization I want to be a part of.’”
Williams, an Information Technology Services Executive in Cognizant’s Insurance Practice, a former US Army Captain, and Desert Storm veteran, sees tremendous potential ahead in his roles on the board and its Governance and Development Committees, as well as the Wheeler Golf Classic planning committee. He particularly sees an opportunity connecting Wheeler to the corporate community across the state.
“I want to leverage the relationships I have to improve the awareness of who we are and the services we provide. I want to advocate for the people we serve, especially for people of color, medically underserved communities, and veterans.”
These connections will play an especially important role in his work on the Development Committee, tasked to raise private investments for our mission.
“So many of the services we provide need philanthropic investments to have the greatest impact,” he says. “Within the corporate community, I think we can provide a strong value proposition. It’s clear the impact we are making in patient care and access. Corporations may be limited by what they can do, but when you see Wheeler stepping up to meet the challenges of the community, providing access to care for Black and Brown people, taking on COVID testing and vaccines, and more, I would expect companies to be on board. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?“
Williams has also used the services at our Hartford Family Health & Wellness Center, which he says has impressed him, as have the staff he’s met on tours and at appointments. He wants more people to have those same positive experiences.
“Looking ahead, I want us to continue expanding our reach and serve more people; increase the community and brand awareness of Wheeler. When I bump into someone, I want Wheeler to be a household name for them, for people to know who we are and what we do, and that they can come to us for a wide range of health services.”