Mott Partnership Enters Sixth Year

When Wheeler and Farmington-based Mott Corporation embarked on an innovative corporate philanthropic partnership in 2016, it was hard to predict its impact on the local community or Mott employees who are integrally involved. Back then, as Wheeler moved into the integrated care space—having just opened its first community health center in Bristol—and Mott sought ways to make an impact on the local community, the two organizations converged. Both Wheeler and Mott leveraged their unique strengths to promote and improve community health, with a focus on Bristol and New Britain.
The partnership has two strands. The first is local community health outreach, made possible with yearly funding from Mott for a Wheeler community health outreach coordinator who engages Central Connecticut families in culturally and linguistically responsive health care services through Wheeler’s Family Health & Wellness Centers in Bristol and New Britain. The second is employee-driven volunteer engagement through which Mott employees, called “Mott Health Ambassadors,” provide support and staffing for various Wheeler and community events, ranging from community conversations about addiction, to recovery walks, toy drives, packaging basic needs items, and so much more.