This page was updated on August 29, 2020.

There is so much information available online about COVID-19, and we’ve shared some relevant links and COVID-19-related content below. We cannot emphasize enough the need for the basics of infection control:

  1. Wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitizer,
  2. Avoid touching your face,
  3. Maintain as much social distance as you realistically can from others, and
  4. Stay home and call if you are ill (fever, cough, shortness of breath, or flu-like symptoms).

VERY IMPORTANT: If you have a fever and cough and are not having difficulty breathing, call your primary care provider so they can assess if you need to be seen or if you can should stay at home.

We are adjusting our procedures in all services and Navigation Center (888-793-3500) to screen for illness, and we will maintain services by phone and in person in the timeliest, most appropriate means possible.


"Talk It Out" Hotline to Help Parents and Caregivers

Parents and caregivers who need help managing the stress and increased needs resulting from caring for their children during the COVID-19 crisis are invited to call Connecticut’s new “Talk It Out” hotline.

An initiative of the Connecticut Department of Children and Families, the hotline provides support from a network of trained professionals, including Wheeler, who will listen and speak with people about their concerns and, if additional help is needed, make referrals to responsive services, including Mobile Crisis Intervention Services.

Call 1-833-258-5011 or visit

COVID-19 and Basic Needs Resources for Individuals Served by Wheeler Community Justice Programs

Bristol Area AA Online Meeting Resources
Bristol COVID-19 Resources Guide
Employers Currently Hiring in Bristol

Enfield COVID-19 Resources Guide

Meriden COVID-19 Resources Guide

Middletown COVID-19 Resources Guide
NA Phone and Online Meetings in Middletown and Statewide

New Britain
New Britain Area COVID-19 Resource Guide

Intimate Partner Violence Resources

General COVID-19 Resources and Information from Wheeler

The content below includes perspectives and insights from Wheeler clinicians, administrators, case managers, and other professionals to help individuals, families, and communities to navigate during this challenging time.

Problem Gambling Treatment: Essential Services in a Changing Landscape

With Connecticut’s legalization of online sports betting last fall, calls to the CT Helpline for Gambling Treatment (888.789.7777), and related chat messages and texts for help, have increased dramatically, underscoring the need for additional support amid a changing landscape. Wheeler's Katie Kirch, LCSW, ICGC-II, BACC, clinical supervisor, Bettor Choice Gambling Treatment Program, explains.

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March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month, which underscores the challenges of problem gambling and available resources through programs such as Wheeler’s Bettor Choice Gambling Treatment Program.

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Back to School - Unpacking the Mental Backpack

Our Melissa Mendez, LCSW, IMH-E, Director of Early Childhood Programs at Wheeler, participated in a August 26 virtual event from the YWCA Hartford Region, "Back to School: A Conversation Unpacking the Mental Backpack."

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