TMS: Questions and Answers

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What is TMS, and why is Wheeler offering it?

TMS, or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a unique, non-invasive, successful treatment modality for patients with depression, with strong potential and growing evidence of successful treatment of anxiety.  TMS is becoming increasingly popular because of its extraordinary benefits, patient satisfaction, and safety, but is difficult to access outside of private practices.

Who is a good candidate for trying TMS?

  • You struggle with depression, anxiety, or OCD.
  • You have tried medication without success or prefer not to / cannot take medication.
  • You are between the ages of 15 and 75.

What does TMS feel like?

In ongoing treatment sessions, attended by the patient and a certified TMS technician, a patient will relax and listen to music or watch videos provided by our sound machines, speaker, and entertainment system. 

In a treatment session, patients experience a slight tapping over the left or right temple, located just in front of the ear. Some may experience a brief period of mild discomfort at the treatment site, or rarely a slight headache of short period after their first two to three treatments, but NeuroStar’s patented Contact Sensing system will provide real time feedback for the clinician and allow for adjustments to reduce or eliminate any discomfort.

Many patients experience what they describe as a wonderful emotional release after only one treatment. 

What can patients expect during treatment and afterward?

Prior to treatment, a certified TMS physician or APRN will first meet with a patient to obtain medical and psychiatric history and provide details on how TMS works, what to expect, and whether this therapy is an appropriate next step in treatment.  Patients may be approved for up to 36 treatments, which is proven to produce the most beneficial outcomes.  

Patients are then scheduled for an Initial Mapping appointment, where they will relax comfortably in Wheeler’s newly designed TMS suite. A certified TMS prescriber will utilize Neurostar machine’s TrakStar technology to determine precise coordinates and proceed with the patient’s first treatment.

After the first full course of treatment, do patients return in months or years to repeat? 

Most patients who receive a full course of TMS treatment show no evidence of relapse at one year, and patients who may experience a return of some symptoms may qualify for another course of treatment, which would involve discussion with their provider. 

Why should people consider TMS therapy?

The success rate and safety profile of TMS is unparalleled and presents almost no risk to our patients, the only contraindications or significant cautions being a history of seizure or metal implants within a patient’s head (not including any metal associated with dental fillings or removable jewelry). TMS offers an opportunity for symptom relief without the use and potentially associated side effects of medication, making it a perfect choice for patients who have experienced treatment resistance despite utilization of medication, prefer not to take medication, are pregnant, or take medications for medical reasons, thereby relieving any concern for medication interactions. 

Are other providers in Connecticut offering this treatment? 

Wheeler is the only Federally Qualified Health Center in Connecticut to offer TMS. 

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